AZ-500 Azure Security Technologies Study Guide

Rimaz Mohommed
6 min readJan 30, 2021


I passed my Az-500 exam in January 2020. The exam consisted of around 50 MCQs and 1 case study, and had a time limit of 3 hours. You can find my Azure Security Engineer Badge here :

What follows is the study guide I created based on the exam skills outline to help me prepare. Hope this helps you too. Cheers!

Implement platform protection (15–20%)

Implement advanced network security

Secure the connectivity of virtual networks (VPN authentication, Express Route encryption) 

Configure Network Security Groups (NSGs) and Application Security Groups (ASGs) | Implement Service Endpoints

Create and configure Azure Firewall 

Implement Azure Firewall Manager 

Configure Azure Front Door service as an Application Gateway 

Configure a Web Application Firewall (WAF) on Azure Application Gateway  configure Azure Bastion 

Configure a firewall on a storage account, Azure SQL, KeyVault, or App Service

Implement DDoS protection

Configure advanced security for compute

Configure endpoint protection 

Configure and monitor system updates for VMs 

Configure authentication for Azure Container Registry 

Configure security for different types of containers

Implement vulnerability management 

Configure isolation for AKS 

Configure security for container registry 

Implement Azure Disk Encryption 

Configure authentication and security for Azure App Service

Configure SSL/TLS certs 

Configure authentication for Azure Kubernetes Service 

Configure automatic updates

Monitor security by using Azure Security Center

Evaluate vulnerability scans from Azure Security Center

Configure Just in Time VM access by using Azure Security Center 

Configure centralized policy management by using Azure Security Center

Configure compliance policies and evaluate for compliance by using Azure Security Center

Monitor security by using Azure Sentinel

Create and customize alerts | Configure data sources to Azure Sentinel | Evaluate results from Azure Sentinel

Configure workflow automation by using Azure Sentinel

